Jabberwocky Nursery Team Vacancies in Street, Glastonbury

Come and Join the Team!
Joining our friendly team is an amazing opportunity to experience the huge range of roles within Early Years work, from Sports, Woodwork, Gardening and Forest School , to Teaching, Cooking, Inspiring, Managing and Organising. Discover your hidden potential, whilst gaining invaluable knowledge about how we all learn and how our children grow and develop. Gain the joy of enabling and empowering children to become engaged, happy, and active learners.
We hire personality and we have a ‘can do’ attitude. Our natural and organic approach to growing our team means that you can find your mojo in an exciting community. Why not take a leap of joy in our direction and give us a look!
Call us on 01458 446999 or email jabberwockynursery@outlook.com or use our form below to find out more.
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