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How to Cool your Home Down in Hot Weather

Leanne Ammon

We may have been waiting for summer to arrive for what seemed like a very long time. But now it’s here, we’re finding ourselves battling to keep cool in temperatures we haven’t yet acclimatized to. If you’re drooping this summer check out these tips for keeping your home cool despite the rising temperature.

1. Close the blinds and/or curtains. This will block out the warmth of the sun and save your rooms from baking during the day. Even better, invest in some blackout curtains to help keep rooms cool and dark.

2. Block the heat. When the sun beats down on the walls and windows of your home, it will quickly heat up. Make use of awnings and other external coverings for your windows to create more shade. A strategically placed large potted plant may also have the same effect. Plant deciduous trees that cast shade over your home in the summer.

3. If you have ceiling fans you may think they merely push the warm air about. And they do if they are rotating clockwise. Set ceiling fans to rotate anti clockwise to push cool air straight down, rather than clockwise which pulls cool air up.

4. Close the doors. Closing the door to your rooms keeps the cool air from escaping, especially if you have kept the blinds and curtains closed too.

5. Open them again in the evenings when it is cooler, as well as the windows, to let the cool breeze blow through your home. Don’t forget to lock up at night!

6. To keep yourself cool, sip icy cold drinks throughout the day. Place a cool, damp cloth on your pressure points for an instant refresh.

7. To turn your fan into a mist machine, place a bowl of ice or cold water in front of it. Place something on the floor to absorb the moisture from the air as it falls to save floors becoming damp!

8. Cotton fabrics are much cooler and more breathable to wear when the temperature are high. This goes for bedding too, so where possible, use cotton sheets and covers to keep you cool at night.

About Us:

Jabberwocky Children's Nursery is a Nursery and Preschool dedicated to providing the best that an Early Years setting has to offer in a colourful, spacious, purpose built environment. We believe in creating magical places for children and engaging children’s curiosity and imagination to inspire lifelong learning in a safe, loving, enabling environment. We embrace the fact that all children are unique and special and we strive to offer a programme of care and education that not only ensures children experience all areas of the ‘Foundation Stage Framework’ but that also appeals to every kind of learner. Jabberwocky is easy to get to from Street and also Glastonbury, Butleigh and Meare. So if you are looking for a Day Nursery in Street or looking for a Day Nursery in Glastonbury or other local Mendip Somerset towns then please come and see us! Visit the Jabberwocky Nursery website at:

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