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Get to Know the Jabberwocky Team's New Year Resolutions & More!

Jabberwocky Nursery

Wondering how the Jabberwocky crew gets into the holiday spirit? We’ve collected some fun and personal answers from our fantastic team, and we think you’ll love what they have to say.

Come along as we share their stories and New Year dreams. It's a warm peek into the lives of the awesome folks who make it all happen!


1 What brings you the most joy in your role at Jabberwocky?

The Children! Their innocence, their joy and their enthusiasm to learn. Every day is different. Also, the chance to share my experience and knowledge with the other practitioners I work with.

2 If you could choose any animal as a pet what would it be?

A dog every time – they are always happy to see you, love you and are 100% loyal.

3 How do you like to spend your weekends?

Mostly relaxing or spending time with my family including my wonderful grandson. Occasionally I’ll get a clearing and sorting hat on and do that.

4 What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Their enthusiasm to learn, their happy faces, their questions, their honesty and their unconditional love for people who give it to them.

5 What did you do this Christmas?

Spent it with my husband and my children, eating and chilling, laughing and making memories.

6 In 2025, if you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

Hire a big hall with all of my family and friends, cook a massive Christmas dinner, then play games, chat and laugh.

7 Have you made any New Year Resolutions and what are they?

Drink more water. Be in more control of my finances. Remember birthdays/anniversaries before the day. Relax and look after me!

8 What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or T.V. show to watch?

Wizard of Oz. Memories of my childhood as it was a film that was always on at Christmas time.

9 How do you unwind after a busy day?

Jammies on, eat my tea then relax on the sofa – usually asleep within an hour of sitting down.

10 If you could invite any famous person for Christmas dinner who would it be?

Robbie Williams. Pink. Oh, and my best friend who loves Robbie and would never forgive me if I didn’t invite her.


1 What brings you the most joy in your role at Jabberwocky?

Seeing the children happy and gaining support from the parents.

2 If you choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?


3 How do you like to spend your weekends?

With my family or friends. Either shopping or with my family and friends.

4 What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Because I have two younger siblings.

5 What did you do this Christmas?

Had family round. Enjoyed Christmas dinner. Opened presents from each other.

6 In 2025, if you could have your absolute dream Christmas dinner, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

Go down to Reading to see family which we don’t see often.

7 Have you made any New Year Resolutions and what are they?

Go to sleep earlier. Drink more water.

8 What id your all-time favourite Christmas movie or T.V. show to watch?

Home Alone and The Nativity Films.

9 How do you unwind after a busy day?

Lay in my bed with a film, chocolate and a hot drink.

10 If you could invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Rhianna or Danny Jones.


1 What brings you the most joy in your role at Jabberwocky?

Seeing the children grow and achieve new things. Helping a child to calm, settle and feel safe.

2 If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?


3 How do you like to spend your weekends?

With family. Going on days out.

4 What inspires you the most about working with young children?

They always see the best in others and situations.

5 What did you do this Christmas?

Spent time with my family, going on Christmas trips. Seeing friends.

6 In 2025, if you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

I would have the same Christmas that I had this year. It was brilliant! (all family were happy, healthy and all together.)

7 Have you made any New Year Resolutions and what are they?

To put myself and my needs first, at times. To learn to say no to others instead of always trying to please everyone.

8 What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or T.V. show to watch?

How the Grinch Stole Christmas movie.

9 How do you unwind after a busy day?

Watch TV with a snack, when children are in bed.

10 If you could invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Dawn French – that would be hilarious!

Abbi G

1 What brings you the most joy in your role at Jabberwocky?

When I get to be creative and offer the children wonderful, creative and inspiring opportunities to learn and thrive, through their world.

2 If you could choose any animal as a pet what would it be?

A seal.

3 How do you like to spend your weekends?

Exploring new forests/National Trust sites with my partner and our dog.

4 What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Slowing down and looking at the everyday through their eyes.

5 What did you do this Christmas?

Cooked Christmas dinner for my partner and dog and we made a flask of hot chocolate (puppy milk for the dog) and went to our favourite Wistman’s woods!

6 In 2025, if you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

I would have the same as I did this year. It was magic and wholesome.

7 Have you made any New Year resolutions and what are they?

Strengthen back muscles and try hot yoga.

8 What is your all-time favourite Christmas move or T.V. show to watch?

Love Actually.

9 How do you unwind after a busy day?

Reading on my Kindle.

10 If you could invite any famous person to Christmas dinner who would it be?

Frida Khalo.


1 What brings the most joy in your role at Jabberwocky?

To hear that children have eaten all their lunch.

2 If you could choose any animal as a pet what would it be?

Dog – gives you a reason to get out of bed on a cold morning.

3 How do you spend your weekends?

Quietly – at home.

4 What inspires you the most about working with young children?

I’m passionate about healthy meals and portion sizes.

5 What did you do this Christmas?

I merrily ate and drank with my family.

6 In 2025, if you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

Visit a cold, snowy place with family.

7 Have you made any New Year Resolutions and what are they?


8 What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or T.V. show to watch?

Muppet Christmas Carol.

9 How do you unwind after a busy day?

Watch T.V.

10 If you could invite any famous person for Christmas dinner who would it be?

No-one! Family only!


1 What brings you the most joy in your role at Jabberwocky?

Laughing – when the children, staff and I just get the giggles. Seeing them learn. Watching them progress.

2 If you could choose any animal as a pet what would it be?

I’m not a huge animal fan and don’t have any pets but I do like the idea of a fish tank with Nemo's and Dory’s!

3 How do you spend your weekends?

With family, friends or my partner, eating good food, watching a good series or going to new places.

4 What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Knowing that you can be there for so many of their ‘firsts’. Their joy in the small things and their innocence. It’s beautiful to wonder what they’ll do with their whole lives ahead of them.

5 What did you do this Christmas?

Spent it with all of my family. Highlight being – Gavin and Stacey finale.

6 In 2025, if you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

I really want to go to Lapland for a really magical Christmas! With any of my friends and family that want to come!

7 Have you made any New Year Resolutions and what are they?

Drink 2 litres of water a day!

8 What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or T.V. show to watch?

The Grinch or Love Actually!

9 How do you unwind after a busy day?

Cook some good food, curl up under a blanket.

10 If you could invite any famous person for Christmas dinner who would it be?

I would not. I’d rather just have my family there. Actually, on saying that, maybe Steve Irwin or David Attenborough!


1 What brings you the most joy in your role at Jabberwocky?

Watching the children come out of their shell and thrive as they grow.

2 If you could choose any animal as pet what would it be?


3 How do you like to spend your weekends?

Taking my dog out for walks in the wilderness.

4 What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Watching them laugh and smile at something I have done!

5 What did you do this Christmas?

Spent time with my family and went on a walk with my dog exploring new places.

6 In 2025, if you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

I would still spend it with my family like we always have done.

7 Have you made any New Year Resolutions and what are they?

No – I don’t bother with them because I know if I made them I won’t stick with them.

8 What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or T.V. to watch?

Home Alone 1 and 2.

9 How do you unwind after a busy day?

Put on all my soft lights and candles and read my book with a T.V. show in the background – in my bed! Comfy!

10 If you could invite any famous person for Christmas dinner who would it be?

I don’t really care for ‘famous’ people.

We hope you enjoyed finding out more about our amazing team! Our nursery staff includes passionate educators who bring knowledge and enthusiasm, creating a supportive environment that provides a nurturing space for children to thrive. With unique backgrounds, our diverse experiences enhance learning, ensuring that your child receives the best possible care and education. Thanks for getting to know the team dedicated to your child's growth!

About Us:

Jabberwocky Children's Nursery is a Nursery and Preschool dedicated to providing the best that an Early Years setting has to offer in a colourful, spacious, purpose built environment. We believe in creating magical places for children and engaging children’s curiosity and imagination to inspire lifelong learning in a safe, loving, enabling environment. We embrace the fact that all children are unique and special and we strive to offer a programme of care and education that not only ensures children experience all areas of the ‘Foundation Stage Framework’ but that also appeals to every kind of learner.

​Jabberwocky is easy to get to from Street and also Glastonbury, Butleigh and Meare. So if you are looking for a Day Nursery in Street or looking for a Day Nursery in Glastonbury or other local Mendip Somerset towns then please come and see us!

Visit the Jabberwocky Nursery website at: 

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